World cups of soccerwww.imondialidicalcio.net is a website fully dedicated to soccer world cup. Our passion moved us to create a website full of statistics and details about world championship of football.
Stadiums of world cupThis section shows information about all the stadiums where world cup soccer matches have been played: name of the stadium, city where the world cup stadium has been built, available places, year of inauguration of the football stadium, edition of world cup soccer.
Players of national soccer teams (Roses)This section shows the list of players of the national soccer teams playing in the world cup soccer of umnd: soccer player's name, club team, player's role.
National soccer teamsThis section shows for every national soccer team playing in different editions of world cup soccer: final position (victory of world cup soccer, semifinal, fourth of ending, eliminatory rounds ...), points, wins, draws, loses, goals for and the scores against. By selecting a specific edition of world cup soccer you can obtained the results of the football matches played by national soccer team in the selected edition.
All the world cup matchesFor each soccer national team this section shows: final positions (victory of football world championship, semifinals, fourth of endings, eliminatory rounds, etc.), wins, loses matches, draws games, goals for, goals against and all the results of the matches played by national team in every soccer world cup edition.
Fixtures of soccer world cupThe section shows fixtures of football world cup, that is all the results of the matches of a specific soccer world cup grouped by every phase of world soccer championship: qualification groups or groups phase, eighth of ending, fourth of ending, semifinal, final for third-fourth place and final for first-second place of world cup.
Results and standings of soccer world championshipSection shows standings of soccer world cup groups and matches results divided by each turn of football world championship: qualification groups, (or groups phase), eighth of ending, fourth of ending, semifinal, final 3-4 place and final 1-2 place.
Final standing of soccer world cupThe section shows the final standing of a soccer world championship: national teams are ordered by position, id est final position gained in the world cup of football. For each national team you can also see the number of played matches, the number of wins, draws and loses, scores for, goals against, total points and the goals difference.
Top scorers of football world cupThis section shows top scorers of a soccer world championship: football scorers' standing is calculated with reference to scores realized by players.
Scorers of soccer world cupThis section shows all the matches of football world cups in which soccer player realized at least one goal, penalty or owngoal.
Soccer world cup winners (Hall of fame)This section shows hall of fame of all football world cup: for every edition of soccer world championship you can see the first four national teams classified.
Scoreboard soccer matchSection shows scoreboard of a football world cup match: national teams, scorers, minute, penalties, owngoals.